Clearance on Cindy colouring head & Chloé haircut head !

At Exalto Professionnel, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is not just a trend or a legal obligation. It embodies our core values and guides every aspect of our business. In a world where environmental, social and economic issues are increasingly pressing, we believe it is our duty as a company to contribute to a more sustainable, equitable and responsible future. This commitment is reflected in our rigorous CSR strategy, structured around four key pillars.

1. Acting as a responsible employer

Our CSR approach begins with our role as an employer. At Exalto Professionnel, we know that the key to success lies in the well-being and motivation of our employees. That's why we strive to create a healthy, safe working environment that respects the rights of all our employees.

Health and safety at work

We implement rigorous safety measures to ensure that our employees operate in a risk-free environment. Preventing accidents and occupational illnesses is a constant priority. We regularly invest in training our staff in best safety practices, and ensure that our facilities meet the highest health and safety standards.

Promoting diversity and inclusion

We are also committed to promoting inclusion and diversity within our company. We firmly believe that every individual, regardless of age, gender, origin or social status, deserves a place in the world of work. That's why we facilitate the professional integration of seniors, who often face difficulties in finding a job, and we encourage work-study programs to enable young talent to develop their skills.

Since 2022, we have recruited four work-study students, reinforcing our commitment to education and vocational training. We also offer our employees ongoing training opportunities to help them progress in their careers and reach their full potential.

2. Working with responsible suppliers

Our responsibility is not limited to our own activities. We ensure that all our business partners share our values and commitment to CSR. Our choice of suppliers is based on a rigorous selection process, designed to ensure that they comply with current environmental, social and ethical standards.

A strict selection and evaluation process

We use detailed evaluation questionnaires and on-site audits to ensure that our suppliers comply with applicable regulations. This process involves more than simply checking documents. It involves a thorough assessment of each supplier's environmental, social and ethical practices, to ensure that they share our vision of a more sustainable future.

Reducing hazardous substances

In our quest for sustainability, we have also taken steps to reduce the use of hazardous chemicals in our products. For example, our mannequin heads are designed without any substances of very high concern in concentrations exceeding 0.1% by mass, in compliance with REACH Regulation No. 1907/2006. This attention to detail guarantees not only the safety of end-users, but also that of the environment.

3. Protecting the environment

Protecting the environment is one of the cornerstones of our CSR strategy. We are aware that every action counts when it comes to preserving our planet for future generations. That's why we have put in place concrete initiatives to reduce our ecological footprint.

The Circular Economy at the heart of our practices

We have adopted a proactive approach to the circular economy. For example, we have developed a recycling process for our end-of-life mannequin heads. Every component of these heads is reused or revalorized: the hair is donated to the CAPILLUM association, which specializes in hair recycling; the foam is incinerated to provide energy in the form of district heating; and the ABS base is reused in the manufacture of new products. The plastic from our masks, meanwhile, is recycled to make garden hoses. These initiatives testify to our determination to actively reduce waste production and help preserve natural resources.

Eco-responsible packaging

At the same time, we have reviewed our packaging policy to adopt more environmentally-friendly solutions. Our packaging is now designed to minimize its ecological impact, using recyclable or biodegradable materials. We are continually seeking to improve our packaging practices, exploring new technologies and innovative materials.

4. Acting locally with our stakeholders

We believe that a company's real impact is measured by its ability to act locally. At Exalto Professionnel, we have therefore developed local initiatives as part of a global approach to sustainable development.

Raising awareness of Eco-Gestures

We have set up awareness-raising initiatives for our teams to encourage them to adopt eco-gestures on a daily basis. Whether it's reducing energy or water consumption, or encouraging selective sorting, every little gesture counts. We have set up selective sorting systems on our premises, and closely monitor our water consumption to identify and eliminate wastage.

Local recycling partnerships

As part of our community commitment, we have partnered with an Etablissement et Service d'Aide par le Travail (Esat) to recycle our waste. This partnership illustrates our commitment to promoting the circular economy while supporting the professional integration of people with disabilities. Through this partnership, we highlight our commitment to inclusivity, ensuring that our actions benefit all members of the community, without exception. By working with local players, we strengthen our ties with the community while taking concrete action for a more sustainable future.

An ever-evolving CSR process

At Exalto Professionnel, we see CSR as a living, constantly evolving process. We are constantly re-evaluating our practices to adapt them to new environmental, social and economic challenges. Our aim is to stay at the cutting edge of best practice, while remaining true to our core values.

Exalto Professionnel: Your partner for a sustainable future

We firmly believe that every company has a role to play in building a fairer, more sustainable world. As leaders in our sector, we are committed to doing our part and inspiring others to do the same. Together, we can create a better future for generations to come.